If I haven't had it I will never know what im missing

Anyone who knows me I am totally stoked about getting to have sex when I get married.
I mean im not even engaged or anything but still I hold having to have sex up to such a high standard.

I know I know, Im really gonna be disappointed when it actually happens because its not that great.

But what if im never disappointed?
I mean I have never had it, so I really don't know what im missing.

I have thought day in and day out about what its gonna be like, feel like, smell like, what the lighting is gonna be like, what music I want playing, what location, what position. I mean you name it, i have thought about it.

But the more time I spend with a boy, whom is not attracted to me, i think......
Im willing to not have sex for life if that means I get to spend my life with you.

Woah woah woah.
Wait a min.
Is this anna talking here?


When im with him, i don't need sex.
I think I have reached the deepest emotional part of me.
If he doesn't want it, i won't have it.

Im willing.

I know I know, i will miss out on the one thing I was looking forward to for life.
But, its not what I need.
He is what I need.


Anonymous said…
I am literally in awe. I applaud you so much for choosing chastity in this day in age where having sex is pretty much mandatory.

It shows willpower, and self-restraint, and I admire that to the fullest.

I personally didn't choose to take that road, but I have the utmost respect for the people that DO.

Sex is overrated, and you will learn that fast.


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