
Showing posts from August, 2012

This side of success

One would think that once you have "found ones self" it would be impossible to "lose ones self". This is my finding and losing of myself. Being the youngest of the family and having an amazing, driven, overacheving older sister, I found it all too easy to hang out in the background. I am not going to pretend that I didnt have a booming personality that often brought me to the forefront but at the same time I didn't seem to mind being in the background during certain seasons of life. Of which little talent is shown little is to be expected. I played tennis along side my sister and yea I was "good" in the eyes of my tennis coaches and other tennis professionals but tennis was my sisters thing. I would never take that from her and I never really wanted it anyways. Oh the matches that could have gone down between us on national TV would have brought quite the tune in though I must say. No one would even know the name Venus and Serena Williams. My parents