As I lay here feeling the cold fog rise
I ask God to rise me with it

The courage the fog has against the sun
it doesn't run off when daylight comes

It lingers for those who inspire in the dark
or for those who need the reminder that we are all fighting for something

The drops of rain that dance into my skin
the cold refresh of being clean again

The shiver I enjoy with its cold embrace
I welcome you fog
I welcome you

As I want to stand up and jump
and play like a child in your grey

I find myself bound in chains
I cannot get away

I fight the bondage
I want to run into the dark

But instead of running
I am bound at the start

I don't want to be stuck fighting to love
My love is so easy because it comes from above

But I chose to stay here
when freedom has been ofter to me

It seemed easier that way
because no one expects something from me

They would come running
saying "Anna I need your hope"

But then they would see i'm a slave
to my own fear

I would come out of the darkness and help those in need
if only I would agree to have my chains cut free

See life seems better in the safety net i'm tangled in
because its my own self im in battle with

I want to dance in the fog
and help sweep away its darkness

I want to consume the grey
that surrounds LA

But if I could only tell myself
its better without
this fear bounded dream
then maybe
the darkness wouldnt settle around me

The fog lays a blanket
on my lonely skin
because this time the dark won
because I won't begin

Begin to see the wonders
in being let go
to give light to this city
with Jesus in toe

I start tugging my ropes
my chains
my tangles

I want to be scared
scared of the dark

I want to bring glory to His name
and light up the world

and now I can
cause im not bound anymore


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