Stupid boy

Im starting to realize that most of you are full of lies.
You will say what you need to get what you want.
Isn't that how it works? I mean you will be sssooo quick to tell a girl she is beautiful, sexy, fun, and that you think about her all the time.
But then you can continue to treat her however the hell you want. Whatever suits you right?
Dont treat her how someone that is beautiful, fun, sexy, should be treated. Treat her however the FUCK you want.
You don't think of her first.
"I was thinking about you all day today baby"
Oh really? Then why haven't you called? Or sent a text?
"Baby, im sorry I didn't answer your text I was busy with some things"
Well I don't think anyone can be too busy to send a text.
"I like you but I just think that we should wait. But dont think I don't like you baby. Im not gonna be with any other girls"
Oh really? Is that why I see pictures of you kissing other girls the next day? Shitbag!?!?!
And you know why I tricked myself to put up with it? BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!
Well he told me he liked me. Why would he say that if he really doesnt?
Oh, so he can get what he wants? So he can make sure that I have eyes for no other but then he can wander and grab whatever he feels like because I mean "technically" we are not together and I need to not "over react"


Call somebody else your baby asshole.
Cause I ain't your baby.
Cause until you can have eyes only for me. Until you can prove to me that you want me all to yourself then IM NOT YOUR BABY!!!

Oh how easy it is for guys right? Just tell em they are pretty, just give them that attention that their daddy never gave em. Just make them feel sexy. Oh and they will be hooked. And no matter if I treat her like shit ill drag her on for a while. Then when she says no more..... I won't give a damn shit. Cause I didnt really want her anyway. I just wanted what I wanted.

How could you? You dirtbags.
I hope one day you get tossed around as much as we do. I hope one day the girl you want turns lesbian because of all your "bros" and how they treated her.
I hope one day you get your heart handed back to you shattered and you look at it with no hope of ever fixing it. Pieces missing. Dropped along the drag.

I hope you pull your head out of your asses one day and realize that I am not a toy. I am a human being that has feelings and a lot to give. Im independent yet sensitive. Im naive.


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