Take out the fake and you would be perfect.

Fake and empty are on the same level.

Empty promises,
empty hugs,
empty love.

I want intimacy without sex
I want love without limits.

I want to fall into a spider web of love.
I want to try and crawl out but only get wrapped up in it more.
I want to be spun so tightly that all i can do is give up and be loved.

I don't want to lift up couch cushions to try and find it.
I don't want treat it like a lotto ticket and hope for the symbols to match up.
I feel as if I am walking around blindfolded, in a dark room, that is the size of the united states, and the room is empty.

Like a snowflake falls on your nose,
will you fall into my arms?
Cause without you.......
Im without.


Anonymous said…
When you write from the depths of your soul, it becomes a soothing balm to those who read it. Your words will heal the discouraged and broken hearted. That's an awesome thing.

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