Stumbling through

I find that my walk with God is much like stumbling through life.  I am walking along just like I know what I am doing and then BOOM I start to fall. It is quite humbling but I have 2 choices as I start to fall......

1. Allow myself to hit the ground and stay on the ground

2. Grasp onto the cloak of Jesus and let Him help me back up

I find life to be challenging, yes I said it, even WITH Jesus. This shit is hard. Learning how to keep myself in check and keep my eyes on Jesus is like running hurdles. I get a good running start, I am confident, I am happy and as my mind starts to wander or as I begin to get impatient and try to set my own pace that is different than Gods is when my foot hits the hurdle and I go flying forward, or backward. I was with a friend the other day and he was talking to me a little bit about his past and he said that he knew that he was walking the wrong path and he felt that God was beginning to take away His protections over him. Which if we really sit and think about it what is really God but catching us as we fall into bad decisions? Because when we begin swimming in deep waters at first we are scared, we are cautious, we have our life jacket and we kick swiftly. After some time in deep waters we begin to remove our own protections because "We got this" until we go under and we look at God as if to say "how could You?".

If I walk through darkness without light what do my eyes adjust to? Darkness. If we get comfortable in darkness we begin walking faster through darkness and laugh at the uncertainty. Then something shifts, the uncertainty becomes too great and that is when we begin begging for light. But even the same with the light, our eyes need to adjust to appreciate the true beauty of its purity.


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