Won't sit still

I want an adventure

Do you hear me? I want an adventure.
Not one that can be drawn on a map
the kind where you lose the feather in your hat

I want an adventure that goes off the paper
Out of the mind
Into the dark
out from the depths
into the steps
of something unseen

I want an adventure

One that draws me to my knees
where I stare into risk
and laugh humbly
because its what I welcome
cause I thrive when a stale life leaves

I want to hunt down my adventure
capture it by surprise
have it guide me
by every starting sunrise

I want to shatter the norm
I want to run to escaping
I want to dance with the wind
only if it leads me to adventure

I want adventure
I want to sharpen my stick with a knife
And then chase after animals
Like I had intentions

I want to have a piece of buckwheat out of my mouth
at all times

I want venture into every hazard
I want to take chances
that eventually turns into songs
that I write
about how I met my love

I want to gamble through my possessions
so one day ill have nothing to remind me of what life should look like
What a girl should have
to appeal to herself

I want to risk it all on the wrong thing
I want to lay my head on a pillow because my body requires me to slow down
I want to pass out of excitement
and then wake up and drink coffee
to quicken my ticks

I want to pretend that the stars were made for me
That God forgot to turn off the lights
so I use them as a compass
as I close one eye
point to the sky
and pick a direction to wander

I want an adventure

I want an encounter with something
to where i've never had to run faster
to save my life

I want to force a hug on something

I want to happen
to someone

I want to pretend to be ok
then break down slowly
as I exit a room

I want to float somewhere

I want to have a snowflake fall on my nose
and leave it there for...

I want to embark on someone elses adventure
and run along with them
for a while

I want adventure

I want to hurt so bad I want to die
I want to laugh so hard I cry
I want to be so scared that I forget to breath
I want to work so hard that I give up
I want to be so deep in pleasure I scream
I want to cry so hard that I forget where I am

I want to feel it all

I want the freedom
to be right
and wrong
and stupid
and awkward
and loved

I want to feel God most on the beach
I want a daisy to bring me to tears
I want a meadow to overwhelm me with the invitation to run

I want to hug someone through the night
I want to make a necklace of teeth
I want holding hands to become irresistible
I want to make sure a frog cant become a prince

I want to make my own wine
drink the whole bottle
and laugh because im happy
that I feel no different

I want to inspire a painting
Take too many baths
and never take myself too serious

I want to age
but not get old
I want to ache
but from the heart

I want God to be my Man
that brings me home
the only man I will ever follow
when I don't see where I am going

I want to feel invincible
and then feel vincible again

I want to create a voice that no one saw coming
I want life to remember me

I want an adventure
Do you hear me?
I want an adventure.


Anonymous said…
your amazing amazing amazing ANNA!!!
Claire said…
Anna, i'm a British student and i'm going to study English in university next year, but i have this safe option of either doing that here (which is sensible and affordable), or doing half of it in America, or Canada, and having an adventure...

For years i wasn't the type who'd dare to dream of university let alone study abroad, but on a whim decided i am going to DO university and do it hard...

WELL, your blog, which i just stumbled upon while thinking of whether to play it safe or be reckless and go abroad in 2014, is going to make me choose the latter with a knife strapped to my thigh. So, thanks!

Up the importance of independent ladies with hearts of virgins and minds of whores, sister x

Look out for the British chick in the US who gets arrested in 2014 brandishing a knife and howling at university
Courtney Marie said…
I love you, Anna. You are, always have been, and always will be an adventure, my dear. You're wonderful!!! xoxo

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