
It will take time to get over, but it will happen for me.

I deserve well. I am a good person and deserve well.

I don't want to be so angry because I do not get what I deserve.

Right now, God and I our our only best friend.

We know what is best for us and therefor will fight to do what is best for us.

I miss us.

People tell me to stop worrying that Robert will do to me what Sean did.

Not that I feel the same way about them, because I feel so different about Robert than i did about Sean. Sean I felt was actual love.

But I do feel like one day Robert will walk away from me like Sean did. I will do something, say something, something will happen and Robert will walk away. I can't help but feel it, I mean he has shut other people out of his life, what makes me so different? So I am getting ready for it. I don't think anyone can actually ever be fully equipped to have someone walk away, but I will try my best? Actually im not going to waste time on it. So when you tell me to stop, don't freak out, understand that I have stuck in my head that if Sean can walk away from me, anyone can. Just like that.

But I deserve well.


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