
Alright, I had an opportunity to catch a ride with a friend to Reno this weekend to go visit a friend. If I were to be completely honest here, I really wanted to just go see Reno. I hadn't been there since I was nine and I wanted to see if my opinion of it was any different. I remember it being this wannabe Vegas that somehow contracted moldy AIDS so needless to say if there was a possibility of me changing my mind then I would take it. Welp, it was exactly how I remember. This sad depressing town that had only a whisper of joy and laughter. Something probably only created by substances and gambling.

While in this casino filled wasteland my friend decided to hit up some slot machines. Now I feel the same about gambling as I do about Reno. I dislike. BUT, I thought maybe I was doing wrong, since I am the personality type that would really like it. So I decided to give it another try. Now correct me if I am wrong but what the hell is the fun in putting a $20 in a slot machine and just watch it turn to nothing? WHAT IS FUN ABOUT THAT?  First off, why the eff do they call them penny slots? You can't just gamble a penny! Secondly, who honestly find this rip off entertainment? If I went up 10 cents I was ready to cash out.

Well the angrier I got about gambling I starting thinking about how I might gamble in other aspects of my life. What do I invest in and watch slowly dwindle down? At what point do I look at someone as maybe a slot machine?

I have been going to this class called the single life workshop. We are learning all about relationships, not just romantic relationships. Well after listening to the men of the group talk you hear about their own desperation to be loved. You hear about past hurts that has gotten them to where they are today. Then they go into what is attractive about a girl that they might be interested in, like, a girl that is totally herself. Now I don't want to sound like a bitter bitch here but in my personal experience and opinion that is a crock of shit. They are INTIMIDATED by girls whom are completely themselves. The next thing that they want a girl to do is show their interest. For example, show me that you are interested, talk to me, listen to me, really show interest. Ok maybe I am going to be single for life for thinking this way, but no. I asked why they wanted a girl such as that and they said because it would give them a confidence to pursue the girl.

Ok let me just say, I am so sorry for the pain you have had in the past inflicted by girls. The girls that lead you on, the girls that you wanted and never had, the girls that were just straight up blatantly rude, the girls that gave no respect or honor to your heart. I apologize on behalf of those women, they were not fully connected with their father or were not healthy enough to know the right thing to do. But this, in no way, is to make you slink back into a hole. In my mind, pursuing a girl means going after her whether you know she is interested or not. I mean sure, it would be comforting to know that it was going to be easy to get her, but that's not what you want either is it? You think of pursuing your dreams, it would be pretty easy to pursue something that is certain, but then we wouldn't call it a dream would we?

I think of a dream as something that could only be thought up in a dream. Something that is so fantastic that you would do pretty much whatever it took to get there. A dream can motivate you to move across the world, a dream is something that you would give up the good for the great for. A dream is something that only God could place in your arms. A dream is something that you think about, it fills your mind and reaching it seems impossible, but you know God has asked you to try.

Lets put this in terms of DREAM GIRL. hmmmm. See how those fit together? The dream girl doesn't just say "hey yea come at me, ill totally say yes" a dream girl is someone that you ask God for. Something that you want so bad that you give up the good for the great. Do NOT expect a dream girl unless you are willing to do what you would do for any dream. The end result is NEVER certain, but the journey, the wholeheartedness, the pure strive, isn't that what life is about?

So I will say this, boys, I don't care if you have sexy tattoos, or you have a voice that could take my clothes off. I don't care that you are leading a youth group, if you can play guitar, if you can dance (HUGE PLUS THOUGH haha) or if you are writing a book. I want to know you are taking a risk for me, that I am WORTH the possible hurt. That even though I don't go weak in the knees the first time you will try for a second time.

Because I have done my fair share of gambling. Oh, this machine is pretty, it is shiny, makes noise and seems to only be taking a penny, but at the end of the day, I gave all, it took all. Boys, stop gambling what you cannot handle to lose. Stop walking away from the slot machine angry because it took your money and then taking it out on other machines. Learn. Hurt is inevitable. But the pain it took to get there makes the reward that much sweeter. Same girls, don't put your money into something that looks so pretty on the outside when you know that the inside was meant to take.

God I make a vow to you. Lord I ask for your strength to stay away from casinos. I pray your protection over what you have given me, my heart. Lord I pray that I do not give it away easily, I pray that it is fought for. Lord you died for my very heart so I will treat it with such respect. The cost for my heart was so great that I will not sell it short. I pray for your wisdom, I pray you show me how to recognize a true man of God. I pray Lord that this wait has been worth it, that through my moments of weakness Lord you have only been building me up within you. I ask that you use me God, you use me as an instrument of what is to be your will. God I pray over these men and women of our generation that they stand up and be fighters for what is worth being fought for. I pray for those hearts that have been shattered, I pray that as brothers and sisters we will help each other place the pieces back together. I pray only honor and respect will radiate from me that I am slow to anger at those who are not respecting your children. I pray that you show me how to love them. I pray for my future husband. I pray that he knows that I am keeping my heart kept for him. That I am not mistreating it so he has no worries about having to put it back together. I pray that he knows that he is waiting for a full in contact heart, that I am not giving him pieces because if he fought for it he deserves the entire thing. God be in him, guide him and comfort him. I wish I could be there with him being all that he dreams me to be.


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