Run Forest Run

I was watching Forest Gump the other night, I havent watched that movie in probably 4 years, its been a long long while. Well I was watching the part when they put on his leg braces and how he struggled to walk, but got used to the struggle. How he would get picked on, made fun of, rocks literally thrown at him. When he has rocks thrown at him he didnt yell, he didnt start to run, he stared at the kids throwing them. He had a confused look in his eyes. He didnt know why these kids were being so mean to him. Then Jenny tells him to run. She first just says it as a suggestion, then she says it a little more stern, then she starts yelling it. RUN FOREST RUN!!! FOREST RUN!! Then he ran like he didnt realize his braces, he took chances that he could hurt himself a lot of these braces came off, he ran with intensity and faith that he was going to be ok.

So weird how just little stupid moments in our lives such as watching a movie can profoundly make a statement. I know that it is God weeding out all the bs to get my attention. I wouldnt have made this connection on my own.

Growing up I was picked on pretty harshly, I mean it landed me in homeschool, which probably has something to do with me being slightly socially awkward. People (my family and close friends) told me I was different, but that never really makes a difference to you because when you are young the last thing you want to be is different. Im more accepting of it now but I didnt like different and apparently neither did anyone else. Well how I can feel the relation in this story is that I feel like im in braces. I feel like I want to go some where but just with the circumstances and the young place in life that I am at, just not able to. But the weird thing is that I feel each day here is one bolt slowly loosening. I feel like the person yelling "RUN ANNA RUN" is God. I feel momentum, maybe not much, but I feel it. I DEFIANTLY feel the rocks being thrown at me. Between hours at work and my purse getting stolen and the lack of makeup jobs, the ticket for talking on the phone, I feel the rocks. But I keep thinking to myself "RUN ANNA RUN!!!" I just hope I can start to feel the metal coming loose and I can fully run into my destiny.

I need God to keep encouraging me, cause parts of me want to give up. Why me? Out of everyone why me? What do I have? Why would you have me move here only to have bad things happen, only to struggle. I hope that its just me running like Forest and that I can start to feel the ground beneath my feet, progression.

Only you God.


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