
This blog might be a little out of date because I have been letting this thought brew in my mind for a little while now. This thought came about when I was talking to someone about whether or not a move back to LA would be good for them and their career. Odd of the conversation to have me telling her to stay in Redding. Not like me

Anyways, as we all know I am now living in my hometown now. I came back kicking and screaming from LA but I knew that it was the right move because it became undeniable. There are probably still scratch marks on the road from me moving home. Well as I have been here I have been praying and asking God why I am here and when can I move back? Not that Redding isn't nice, and the people are amazing, but there is no industry here. Well then lately I have been hearing talk of this movie studio coming to redding, that actor that is here checking out my home church, this professor here and teaching classes. Basically these big industry puzzle pieces that are slowly finding their way to Redding. I won't go into much detail about each of the pieces because I am not sure if some of the information is supposed to be public yet (oh yes I am just so inclusive.... or I totally listen in on conversations) but what I have heard and do know for a fact is that Hollywood is kinda looking at Redding and saying "hmmm what if".

Lets travel back to when I was 13 and I was in a park praying to God and God spoke to me and said "you are going to change Hollywood". Now at 13 I thought "Sure that sounds fun" but now at 24 I look around me, after having lived there twice, and think "well clearly I have schizo because that couldn't have been God, thats just crazy to think I could do such a thing". Hollywood is SO big and I am, well, kinda small. Not pardoning that God through me could turn that place upside down but having learned the history of Hollywood and watching what makes this city surge I just don't see the momentum of sin slowing down without an unthinkable shift.

Back to my convo with my friend (instead of thinking of me jumping around in the conversation just think of me taking you on a tango lesson, im just flinging you around passionately.... thats all) as I was telling her that I think she should stay here because I think something is brewing we both sort of asked the question "why is something brewing here". Well, as I was living in LA it was quite exhausting. The traffic, the people, the hype, the money, the buildings, the eating disorders, the fight to stay significant and so on and so on. All of LA is exhausted. When Hollywood glamour first got started people were getting discovered everywhere. My favorite thing to do in Hollywood is walk down the walk of fame and read the historic signs that say "in this building Greta Garbo was working as a waitress until big time producer discovered her and made her his star". It was raw, real, there was a REASON to be out and networking. Well now in Hollywood its about, well you have to sleep with this person first, and then go party and pretend to like that person, and then go shopping and act like you have money with this person and then LUNCH the shit out of EVERYONE and so on and so on. Its almost this begging, this desperation that pulses through the city that used to give everyone significance. Well, dare I say, I think that people are wanting to be refreshed. I think that Hollywood, people, families, talent, and art is looking to turn its head to something new. Looking to get raw and to take this fresh breath of air where their talents can be NOTICED for what it is, not for what it has done to get to the top.

Redding, a current place of revival. A place where people are traveling all over the world to be filled up with purpose, restored, redefined, redirected, redesigned. What better place for an industry to start? With the movie industry in Redding slowly becoming a reality I had to think "God are you bringing hollywood to me? is this what you meant when you said I was going to change Hollywood? I would actually be part of the complete redesign of its entirety? Am I to help set the pathway of what we SHOULD be celebrating as humans?"


Then my feminist blog notified me that there was a new news story posted about Ashley Judd. It was an article about her response to her recent media attention to being "puffy". She went on to say that the media went crazy about her appearance on a certain day that she was out. She said that it was shown on tv shows and different surgeons were explaining exactly what procedures were done to her to explain her new appearance. She was on talk shows where different women were ripping her apart saying that her classic beauty had faded and how sad it was because she used to be so beautiful and so on and so on. Well Ashley could not have responded better. She basically said "arent we ready to start a new conversation already?" she went into detail about how saddened she was that she could be the topic of conversation when there are so many other things out there needing to be discussed and that her very personhood could be depleted because of the way that she looked one day. She said she was upset that even women were tearing her apart when in fact they are just as scared to be torn apart as well. About how we are all striving to please each other when our real goals should be to be pleased with ourselves and our creator. COME ON ASHLEY! I was so excited as I read this. SHE IS RIGHT! NEXT CONVERSATION PLEASE?! Is anyone exhausted yet? Lets take a look at what is really important in this life and stop letting society call out what is important about our own selves. I demand myself back, you do not own me. I will decide, along side with my creator, what is most important for me.

Ashley, I will just say this, I invite you into the redefinition of Hollywood. Come to Redding, join the movement, lets give people their lives back and celebrate what is truly important.



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