
Tonight I sit here with my heart completely broken for what has always broken yours.
I come to you, calling on my knees, calling you my Groom, my lover, my comforter, my strength, my courage, my most consistent, my father, my enlightener, my best friend, my support, my covering, my shield, my sword, my walk, my dad.

I declare you over my life. God take the fear away.
Take the fear away
take the fear away

Thank you for shredding my pride and making me observant of how weakened I have become. God build me up, strip me down, disciple me, and free me. I no longer seek what this world wants. God I seek to love you and love others in your name. God you are so full of light and love and God I pray that you use me to deliver it to your people. I hate living in a society to where pain is quieted only to make sure nothing is distracted from the devils plan and to continue the seduction. God thank you for being a forgiving dad, for embracing me for who I am and not allowing shame to be a part of my life. You have set me free God but remind me of who I am free to be


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