Why can't you see?

God he is trying so hard.

Harder than he has tried before.

Give him a break?

What more can I do for him?

I want to make everything right.

I want him to feel more loved then he has before.
I want him to be happier than he ever has before.
I want him to feel purpose and direction.
HOW GOD?!?!?!?!

Im willing to give up my money, my car, my time, my job, if I thought it would really help.

I want to trade lives with him God, I want the weight lifted off NOW GOD DAMNIT!
He can't handle this anymore, I can't handle watching him anymore God.
I want him to run back to you God, you are the answers, but God you are so testing of us.
Its hard to have faith when nothing is going right, and it feels like you have grown tired of looking after us. Where are you now God? SHOW YOURSELF IN AMAZING WAYS!
Let no one in his life be able to deny the great things you will do for him.
Take his heart that is beating painfully each day, take his brain that is fried with thoughts of disappointment and no direction, take his feet that are tired of running in circles, God take my best friend and my love and hold him so tight!!!!
I want to hold him as tight as I can, I can't imagine my life without him God.
Don't take my love away from me.

I hate every damn second of this.

Take the pieces and glue them together.

Cause God......
I love him.


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